I turn “pie in the sky” dreams into a “pinch me, is this real?” reality,

to create a life you never need a vacation from!



Redefining Retirement: How to Create a Midlife in Paradise in 90 Days or Less

Audience Best For:

Retirees or those who are preparing for retirement


ROL vs. ROI: Why Return on Life

is Your Best Investment

Audience Best For: Professionals &

career changers who want midlife reinvention.


My biggest takeaway from Dawn's talk was you always have to be prepared really for the unexpected. You never know what's going to happen. We've had stock market crashes, real estate crashes and COVID. And if you do not have your exit plan in place and know what you're going to do, when things seemingly fall apart, your world may fall apart. So always be prepared. - Jonathan Ellis, Owner of Kleen Crete, Inc.

I heard Dawn's talk about claiming your dream life. I'm so excited! I had no idea. I thought my only options were in terms of what I could create, where I could live. I've learned about all these different things you can do. I didn't know you could buy real estate or meet people aligned with you outside of the United States that are looking for the same thing. So I'm so blessed that I got to experience her talk. My mind is definitely expanded and I can't wait to see what's next for me - Afiya Al-Fayiz, Co-founder & CEO at Underdog Millionaire Business Accelerator

If you haven't heard Dawn speak, I highly suggest you do. If you feel stuck and that you're not living your dream life, Dawn has a very interesting perspective from her business, legal and life experience. You can really tell that Dawn has so much wisdom and I personally am looking forward to hearing whatever else Dawn has to share, because I know that there's so much more that I can't even fathom. Joseph Tomczyk, Realtor

I just heard Dawn talk. Her story is really inspirational and really, really cool. What I took away was you ought to go for what you want, everything. You go all in no holds barred. Stability should be planned because as she shared her story, if you don't play your cards right, life can take you out. So I really think that she knows about real estate, business and life cycles because she really knows what she's talking about. Dawn has lived and breathed it. - Curtis Van Driesche



Dawn Fleming has literally been there and done that, and is now living her very best life. With her husband Tom, she owns and operates a global coaching and consulting company that encourages others to discover their dreams and turn them into reality just like she did.

As host of the Life in Paradise podcast, she shares success stories of international relocation and retirement as well as advice for listeners seeking to leave their comfort zone and live midlife in paradise.

Dawn and Tom began their own traveling lifestyle in 2010 when they sailed through the Panama Canal from California to Florida and later relocated to Isla Mujeres, Mexico.

Originally from Minnesota, Dawn began her career in real estate and found success in many facets of the industry.

She graduated from Western State University College of Law and specialized in international business transactions as a licensed California attorney.

Dawn easily made the connection between commerce and counsel to become an award winning Top Producer and popular Sales Trainer in the relationship marketing industry.

Dawn found her calling for two decades as a mentor to thousands of entrepreneurs, coaching them through the growth of their home-based businesses before launching Midlife in Paradise.

Midlife in Paradise - All Rights Reserved | Copyright 2023